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Showing posts from July, 2016

On Life's Turf

One of the consistent things that I do everyday in my holidays other than sleeping late, lazing on the couch and eating a lot is playing football. Although I’m one of the most pathetic player ever seen in a football match, my weak skills don’t stop me from enjoying those two hours with the ball. In those two hours I forget all of my problems and replace all my priorities with the biggest priority of seeing the ball behind the net. But I’m not here to torture you with a goody goody lecture on this beautiful game. Every evening, a bunch of guys from all age groups and every background assemble on the once beautiful but unused golf course and get down to cause as much as damage possible in those two hours. The  children of the servants of the colony along with the kids of the people who these servants work for, mingle together and form teams to face off each other. Me, being one of the oldest kid in this mixed group and one of the other older kid are automatically chosen the c...

Highway To Hell

People face lots of problems everyday.It may be related to their work, or their family or any other annoying problem that they face some day or the other. But the biggest problem that people face almost every day is the problems on the road. These road problems maybe plenty. Sometimes it’s the traffic and the next day it’s the potholes or on the day after that it’s the horrible driving of the other drivers. But the people who get a severe blow from this problem are the cyclists. Riding a cycle is a very easy task. Managing to keep your balance in synchronization with your speed is the major target of this easy task. This task is easy only if the cyclist has the chance to ride his/her cycle in the deserted and empty streets of our city. This task becomes very serious if this cyclist decides to take the cycle on the dangerous roads of our city. Because on the city roads, there is no respect to a humble chap riding his humble machine on the edge of the asphalt. With no separ...