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Highway To Hell

People face lots of problems everyday.It may be related to their work, or their family or any other annoying problem that they face some day or the other. But the biggest problem that people face almost every day is the problems on the road. These road problems maybe plenty. Sometimes it’s the traffic and the next day it’s the potholes or on the day after that it’s the horrible driving of the other drivers. But the people who get a severe blow from this problem are the cyclists.

Riding a cycle is a very easy task. Managing to keep your balance in synchronization with your speed is the major target of this easy task. This task is easy only if the cyclist has the chance to ride his/her cycle in the deserted and empty streets of our city. This task becomes very serious if this cyclist decides to take the cycle on the dangerous roads of our city. Because on the city roads, there is no respect to a humble chap riding his humble machine on the edge of the asphalt.

With no separate lane for cyclists in a city like ours, this poor soul is forced to ride the highway to hell by having to balance his/her cycle on the edge of the road and at the same time being alert for any signs of danger from other vehicles. If the rider is lucky he/she may find refuge on the smooth pavements which is even though illegal to ride on but as they better to be sage than sorry.

The dangers that the cyclists face mostly include the horribly tarred roads and the carters. Drivers assume cyclists for annoying  mosquitoes and try to shoo them away by blowing on their horns which is as useful as wearing a swimsuit in Antarctica. The slipstream from the speeding vehicles also cause problems in maintain their balance.

Unfortunately for the cyclists their cycles aren’t some kind of moon rovers which could have helped them navigate through the wide craters on the road. So the poor soul is forced to put it’s machine into a torture routine by navigating these asteroid belts. It’s no use lecturing people about “safe driving” because nowadays in this big ugly ego filled world, people care only about their safety and their comfort. Roads were never meant for cyclists.

By the time the cyclist is done navigating through the danger zone and has reached his/ her home “safely”, he /she can be called “THE ORIGINAL AND ULTIMATE SURVIVORS “. They might have a few white hair sticking out of their head and the roads might have given them arthritis, but ultimately they have completed the weird sort of evolution they went through. It is after all survival of the fittest and the most bad ass cyclist is considered the fittest. Wimps perish on this highway to hell because after all these roads were never meant for cyclists.

But not all of the problems are caused by non cyclists. Some problems can also be caused by psychopaths like me who believe that riding on the opposite side of the road is the safest.“At least I can see which vehicle is gonna hit me”. That’s what my conscience whispers to me when I take my cycle on daredevil ride on the highway to hell. I know that this is wrong. But there’s nothing I can do about it. Either I waste my time and effort to cross the road and get to the correct side of the road and ultimately get hit by a speeding vehicle or just stay on the wrong side of the road and gain that precious time everybody is so worried about . And ultimately know the vehicle which I crashed into. Its wrong and dangerous but quite thrilling and somehow keeps me safe.

Police men yell at me when I pass them on the wrong side of the road. But I’m a cyclist. They see me rollin and they hatin. And these roads were never meant for cyclists.

Until Next Time

One of the countless psychopathic daredevils

Adil Ansari


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