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The Truth

A few hours ago I was chasing a horrible deadline. I had promised my currently “inactive” amazing blogger buddy that I will post a new blog. This promise was made about 2 weeks ago. Not to disapointed my buddy I kept her interested by constantly saying “I’ll post it tomorrow” or “check my page at the end of the week” when the truth was I was just toying with different ideas in my head. I had many ideas, all of them equally good but I was horribly lazy to write them down. Like I said before, we would rather sit in the comfort of our sofas and watch the world go by (slightly modified). So I just sat there, on my sofa, watching Captain America Civil War and not giving a damn about my more important priorities. In the morning when I woke up, I realized I had delayed this project for too long. So once again I lay down on my sofa and thought hard. I wanted my new post to be

          1.   More hilarious than the last one. (Check.Comedy is my adda. No problemo)
          2.  This new post should have memes in it. (Check. Memes are one thing I’m good at)
          3.  The topic should be a hatke one.

Now number three was a problem. I had written about toilets, respect and the my need to write blogs. What more can an average 17 year old think about ?Correction- what more can an average lazy 17 year old laggard can write about ? So once again I racked my brains and I scratched my armpit. But I was left at a dead end.

I realized that getting an idea was not a problem. Developing this germ of an idea into a dangerously funny article was a real pain in the butt. And with this throbbing butt, I somehow fell asleep on my beloved sofa.

When I woke up, my problem had somehow magically given me a dirty escape route. Time was short and was nearing the deadline at a dangerous pace. But faster than this pace was my Internet speed. So thanks to Google God. I not only solved problem number three, but also problem number one and problem number two.  So using the simple formula of Ctrl C + Ctrl V, and a little bit of my evil brain cells I was able to produce an article that I think would have made my English teacher and my blogging buddy smile. Oh, how wrong I was.

Now when a person writes, he/she has this unique technique of describing anything. For example, when you see any simple sentence with a hint of bad grammer, you will know that I was here. But if any person would have gone through mynew post they would haveimmediatley know that this idiot was definitely not here. And also if the person experinces a sense of déjà vu, it is a clear proof that the work is not original.

Copying any form of work, be it art, articles, music or homework is not wrong. But claiming that the copied work is completely original is worse than lying. It not only affects the ability of the person to produce much better and entertaining art, but it also robs the original artist from the credit he/she truly deserves. Not knowing this or in better words, pretending to ignore this I let myself go on the footsteps of Anakin Skywalker.

After posting the new article I shamelessly patted myself on my back and acted completely modest about my new work.But there was this unsatisfied sort of feeling deep inside my heart. Once again I ignored it and waited for the words of rewards to come from my friend. But the only response was a polite version of, “You dirty copy cat!!”What millions of articles, thousands of teachers and two elders who brought me up from my birth were trying to teach me my whole life, I finally understood from these few words. Its funny how these few words can change your view of life what millions of sentences couldn’t do. I finally realized that copying is wrong. From the way we talk, the way we walk, or the way we dress all the way to what we write in our exam papers, copying isn’t cool.

With a heavy heart and an extremely guilty mind I hope I stay "cool" in my own way. This is one thing I hope I have learnt today that will stick with me till the end of time. Thank you my blogging buddy to teach me what Luke Skywalker thought Darth Vader, the force is always strong within us.

With that I would like to say

May the force be strong with you forever Blogger Buddy

Thanks a lot

Adil Ansari

P.S  What you read was a completely original work. no line or paragraph copied from anywhere.


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