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The Laugh Laugh Revolution

If you take a close look at the above picture, you will notice two things 
1. Red lipstick does not suit Smriti Irani ( nor does anything else in the whole world )
2. As Usual rather than answering our questions, she leaves more questions to be answered in our mind. 

But 90 percent of you won’t notice the tiny article on the right hand corner. It is about a man who worked so hard to bring a smile on our faces and a laugh into our lives. He put in his best for making the comedy flicks a huge success, that his life became a joke. People, including me, came to know about his real name only after his death. This is the kind of respect a hardworking artist gets in our country. Most of you may know him as babbu bisileri and also the infamous gang member in hera pheri, but atleast for now, call him Razak Khan. He was a man who made everyone laugh with genuinely funny jokes and comic timing. His “clean” comedy was much before and beautiful than swach bharath mission.

But unfortunately it was only during the time when he was active. Obviously when no one pays you attention, you tend to fade into oblivion. I feel ashamed to see the current state of comedy genre on Indian Television and Bollywood. It is nothing compared to the time when artists like Razak Khan were active. Almost everything on Television and TV is ridiculously silly and stupid.

Another comedian who was making news last week was Tanmay Bhatt just because of a harmless video. And just because of this video , jobless people like us started making a mountain out of a molehill. This comedian had stated that he did not want to hurt anybody’s feelings. But still, as people have nothing else to do, FIRs were filled, the newspaper had big useless articles on this subject and Television interviews were done just to ban this video and the comedian.  Even the severe drought in all across India said not get this sort of attention. In fact the only person who benefited from this issue was Snapchat. 

So all I wanted to say is, people have forgotten about priorities. Giving unwanted “respect” to bad and offensive jokes like this makes the joke famous and the comedian feels encouraged to do junk like these in the future. We should learn to ignore these sort of useless garbage and also learn to appreciate the effort put in by lesser known artists who work really hard to think of witty one liners and punchlines because if we don’t do it, comedy will continue to be bland, repetitive and sexist as it is now. This indirectly motivates the people who watch these shows and movies to think that this type of thinking is ‘cool’ when in reality it makes even Siddu Pajji look constipated.

Finally learn how to laugh genuinely. Laugh genuinely at the comic timing and “smart” comedy that people sometimes burn their midnight oil for. Because ultimately, the guffaw that flows out of our throats is the only way to pay a fitting tribute to a great an amazing artist like Razak Khan even if you don’t know their name.

That’s it for now 
May The ‘ Phorce’ Be With You 
Adil Ansari


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