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Showing posts from 2016

The Abstract Art Of Swearing

Each and every one of us want to be awesome. The more patient and determined guys learn to play some sort of instrument or achieve some sort of hobby in other fields. The less patient and jobless guys write shitty blogs like this or do something just so that they don’t have to see their textbooks for some time. But i feel, that the most lazy and desperate guys try to achive this by copying the “trends” which somehow seep into our daily lives. Now I don’t have a problem with people trying to achieve some sort of satisfaction by copying others, but what bothers me the most is that half of these “trends” don’t even make sense. Now don’t get me started on those silly “Fashion Trends” that appear on page three of Bangalore Times every day (well, maybe because that’s my favorite article you are insulting. Have I ever mentioned how Glitter Cuticle pumped my swag up by 90 %?) But my profound mojo has been hurt by people doing an even cheaper method and that is- Swearing Once agai...

On Life's Turf

One of the consistent things that I do everyday in my holidays other than sleeping late, lazing on the couch and eating a lot is playing football. Although I’m one of the most pathetic player ever seen in a football match, my weak skills don’t stop me from enjoying those two hours with the ball. In those two hours I forget all of my problems and replace all my priorities with the biggest priority of seeing the ball behind the net. But I’m not here to torture you with a goody goody lecture on this beautiful game. Every evening, a bunch of guys from all age groups and every background assemble on the once beautiful but unused golf course and get down to cause as much as damage possible in those two hours. The  children of the servants of the colony along with the kids of the people who these servants work for, mingle together and form teams to face off each other. Me, being one of the oldest kid in this mixed group and one of the other older kid are automatically chosen the c...

Highway To Hell

People face lots of problems everyday.It may be related to their work, or their family or any other annoying problem that they face some day or the other. But the biggest problem that people face almost every day is the problems on the road. These road problems maybe plenty. Sometimes it’s the traffic and the next day it’s the potholes or on the day after that it’s the horrible driving of the other drivers. But the people who get a severe blow from this problem are the cyclists. Riding a cycle is a very easy task. Managing to keep your balance in synchronization with your speed is the major target of this easy task. This task is easy only if the cyclist has the chance to ride his/her cycle in the deserted and empty streets of our city. This task becomes very serious if this cyclist decides to take the cycle on the dangerous roads of our city. Because on the city roads, there is no respect to a humble chap riding his humble machine on the edge of the asphalt. With no separ...

The Truth

A few hours ago I was chasing a horrible deadline. I had promised my currently “inactive” amazing blogger buddy that I will post a new blog. This promise was made about 2 weeks ago. Not to disapointed my buddy I kept her interested by constantly saying “I’ll post it tomorrow” or “check my page at the end of the week” when the truth was I was just toying with different ideas in my head. I had many ideas, all of them equally good but I was horribly lazy to write them down. Like I said before, we would rather sit in the comfort of our sofas and watch the world go by (slightly modified). So I just sat there, on my sofa, watching Captain America Civil War and not giving a damn about my more important priorities. In the morning when I woke up, I realized I had delayed this project for too long. So once again I lay down on my sofa and thought hard. I wanted my new post to be           1.     More hilarious than the last one. (Check.Comedy is...

A Gorilla’s Habitat

Today I will take you on an interesting journey. It might bore the male species but might capture the attention of the opposite sex. Welcome to the grand tour of a TOILET. And not just any toilet, it’s the behind the scenes safari through the boys toilet at OUR SCHOOL! Let’s start with the entrance. To enter the toilet , you have to cross the swamp. This man(read-unruly gorilla) made swap was developed mainly through the water from the sink and the mud the gorillas brought back from the school ground . These gorillas also have the tendency to bathe each other with a mini water war which is a characteristic of a gorilla’s behavior. Also found among the dirt particles is leftover food which either comes from the barf of the gorillas or the hands which is the gorilla’s usual tendency to mistake the floor as a sink. If you have survived the first level, congratulations. But your journey has only just begun. As soon as the innocent wildlife explorer steps into the interiors of the ‘l...

The Laugh Laugh Revolution

If you take a close look at the above picture, you will notice two things  1. Red lipstick does not suit Smriti Irani ( nor does anything else in the whole world ) 2. As Usual r ather than answering our questions, she leaves more questions to be answered in our mind.  But 90 percent of you won’t notice the tiny article on the right hand corner. It is about a man who worked so hard to bring a smile on our faces and a laugh into our lives. He put in his best for making the comedy flicks a huge success, that his life became a joke. People, including me, came to know about his real name only after his death. This is the kind of respect a hardworking artist gets in our country. Most of you may know him as babbu bisileri and also the infamous gang member in hera pheri , but atleast for now, call him Razak Khan. He was a man who made everyone laugh with genuinely funny jokes and comic timing. His “clean” comedy was much before and beautiful than swach bharath mission...

A Blog?.....Sounds cool!

Writing isn't a difficult task. No. Have you ever tried to sit in one place and absorb the jumbled up gobbledygook flowing in the class 11 and 12 textbooks without going crazy? If you have then you will already know that mastering that junk and reproducing it in all the 'exams' which 'test' your "learning capacity" is the most difficult task an average teenager faces in India. What makes this process even strenuous is the fact that you are carrying the hopes and dreams of all your friends and family members ,especially your parents. Most of them suddenly appear at the finish line completely oblivious to the struggles you have been through. SO OBVIOUSLY,compared to this scenario, writing isn't hard. What makes this task difficult is,lack of patience. We live in a fast world. We would rather sit in the comfort of our sofas and criticize our leaders not knowing the problems they have to go through. We want to have everything and at the same time lose n...